Monday, 28 May 2012

Long time...

Wow, it's been forever!
My lack of posts come down to two the lack of owning two tools which are essential to creating and maintaining a blog, these are:
1. A Camera 2. A Computer of some sort.
Luckily for us all I have finally crossed off number 1!!
*The crowd goes wild*
I know, I know, it's a very beautiful thing, and this brilliant news comes in the form of a Nikon Coolpix s3300

Isn't it wonderful??

My buying of a camera came about as I am about to go on my travels around Europe. My friend i'm going with has a really amazing, and expensive, camera and shes told me for ages how I should save my momey as we can all just use hers. Lovely of her, I know, but I just feel I need my own and i'm sure she'll thank me when we're there as I will not have to bug her every 2 seconds to get a photo of me looking extremely happy about being away. I've had my eye on a coolpix for a long time, since the advert showing Robbie Williams and a cat hitching a lift off a turtle aired, its such a lovely smooth working camera, its light weight, tough and also looks so very pretty, perfect!!

Anyhooo, lots has happened since I last posted, one of which I cant believe I haven't posted about yet! My friend and I very luckily got the chance to attened Labrinths album launch!! Yes, I know, unbelieveable!! We travelled to London the day of, with just enough time for a lovely wander around the posh streets of londan and a bite to eat before going back to out hotel to get ready for the main event! We both LOVE his music so much and have been following him from day one when he was just known as a producer. It was a lovely night in which he preformed amazingly a mere 3 foot away, we got to meet lots of lovely people, all also major fans, and the man himself!!
I was stuck for what to wear till the very last minute, lack of funds meant I was unable to buy anything new which lead to me taking half of my wardrobe along with me, In the end I settled on my black zara dress, featured in my post: My love for black

 I wore my black jeffery campbell lita boots, a black clutch and silver jewellery. The main piece being my Vivienne Westwood Orb Chain.

Some other pictures from the night.....

Smashed it!!

Me and Sophie xxxx


Thanks lots!.

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